Friday, August 14, 2009

The Sweet and Saucy Top Ten: Beatles Wedding Songs

As Paul McCartney gets ready to take the stage Saturday evening in Piedmont Park, we only thought it fitting to give a tribute to the Beatles. With husbands in a rock-and-roll band the Gals of Sashay are no strangers to this music and we love when our clients put a little fun and excitement into picking their wedding songs. But...since it is so hard to pick just TEN Beatles songs, we thought we would give you our Top TEN choices for both ceremony and reception. One song that will always be close to my heart is Dear Prudence, with the lyrics "The sun is up, the sky is blue. It's beautiful and so are you", written by my husband and given to me on our 1st anniversary, while the song played in the background. So if there is a Beatles song that has touched your heart over the years, why not make it a part of your special day.

1. I will
2. Here There and Everywhere
3. In My Life
4. Something
5. Yesterday
6. All You Need Is Love
7. Dear Prudence
8. Good Day Sunshine
9. Here Comes the Sun
10. And I Love Her

1. Twist and Shout
2. Can't Buy Me Love
3. Saw Her Standing There
4. She Loves You
5. I Want to Hold Your Handjavascript:void(0)
6. Eight Days A Week
7. Hey jude
8. Love Me Do
9. Silly Love Songs (from McCartney's solo album Wings at the Speed of Sound)
10. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

1 comment:

Richard C. Lambert said...

With husbands in a rock-and-roll band the Gals of Sashay are no strangers to this music and we love when our clients put a little fun and excitement into picking their wedding songs.mother of the groom songs